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Islamabad Police


ICTP CrackDown against vehicles having black papers and tinted glasses.

ICTP Continued Crack Down against vehicle having black paper and tinted glasses. Special squads constituted to take action against vehicles. ISLAMABAD: Sep 04: According to details as per directions of Deputy Inspector General of Police (Ops) Islamabad ICTP constituted Special squads to take action against vehicles with tinted glasses and black papers in the capital city. The efforts of the officers and Jawans have helped significantly to reduce the number of fatal accidents and further similar initiatives need to be taken to ensure safety of lives of the citizen and make Islamabad an accident-free city. In future, the ICTP aim to enforce a zero tolerance policy as it is moral responsibility to spread awareness regarding road safety while enforcing laws. Similarly, the behavior of citizens on the road reflects the social norms of the society. ICTP officers are well trained through seminars and have been instructed to treat citizens with love, sincerity and humility. The view that violation of traffic rules leads to accidents. ICTP appealing the citizens, to ensure smooth traffic, the role of the citizens is also very important. Obeying traffic rules can save your life and the lives of others

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